The art of numbers: The benefit of hiring accountants for creatives

Are you in a creative industry and feel like you’re constantly juggling your passion with the daunting task of finance management? We get it—it’s quite like trying to paint the Mona Lisa while tight-roping across Niagara Falls. But don’t worry—we’re here to chat with you about why bringing an accountant on board could be the game-changer your creative business needs.

Navigating inconsistent income streams

Let’s dive straight into the money talk, specifically about cashflow. Income is often inconsistent for creative businesses, making it difficult to plan ahead and invest. The first step, then, is proper bookkeeping and budgeting so you know exactly what is coming into your business and what is leaving it—and when. From there, you can analyse your data to predict your future cashflow, making certain assumptions in different versions of your work so you’re ready for anything. This is known as cashflow forecasting. This all might seem rather simple but if you’re too busy to do it properly you’re in danger of ignoring a molehill that will soon grow into a mountain.. Fortunately, an accountant with expertise in this sort of thing will be able to help you out – so you can focus on the creative stuff.

Creating your future

Whatever problems you’re facing in your business, an accountant with experience in the creative sector will have seen it before and can be a useful resource to help you find solutions. Whether it’s the feast or famine lifestyle that’s familiar to many creatives, issues with customers paying late, concerns about pricing, coming up with a strategy to take your business to the next level or one of the many other challenges you face, ask an accountant – they may not have all the answers but they can help you find them.

Cracking the tax puzzle

Taxes are the last thing any business owner wants to think about. Unfortunately, though, they have to be considered so you can remain compliant with all relevant tax laws and regulations. This is another area where an accountant can help out, as they’ll worry about the deadlines while you worry about the business. But tax is more than just filing returns; it’s also about working to reduce your liabilities by claiming any deduction and credit that might be available to you. Exactly what you can claim will depend on your business and situation, but this is something an accountant will be able to help you navigate.

Mastering financial planning for long-term success

“Financial planning”. It sounds fancy, doesn’t it? But at its core, it’s just about making sure your money is working as hard as you are. An accountant can help you set financial goals, create a roadmap for achieving them, and track your progress along the way. Whether you’re saving for retirement, investing in your business, or planning for a rainy day, they’ll be by your side, offering guidance and support every step of the way.

Freedom to create, stress-free

Here’s the best part of hiring an accountant: you get to focus entirely on what you do best – creating! Instead of spending hours poring over spreadsheets and receipts, you’ll get to devote your time and energy to your creative business. So, if you’re looking for an accountant to help you with your business, don’t delay and you’ll soon be reaping the benefits. As accountants for creative industries, we know what makes businesses like yours tick. Get in touch with us today, and we’ll see how we can help make your operations even more successful.

Are you ready?
Then let’s begin.

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